Extending : Widget extension : Advanced topics : Extending table column widget
Extending table column widget
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides several default definitions for table column widget in XUI Editor. Besides, for the widgets displayed in a table column, their properties and customized rules for JSP generation could also be extended through Eclipse extension points and UDTT XML definitions.
Define extension for table column widget
To customize table column widgets in your self-defined plug-in project, the prerequisite is to add plug-in ‘com.ibm.btt.tools.xui.editor2’ as the plug-in dependency.
1 To add a new widget into the widget selection list of a table column, declare an Eclipse extension for the extension point 'com.ibm.btt.tools.xui.editor2.widgets'.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Right‑click the new extension and choose to add a child option from the context menu. If you need to define a common XUI widget which could also be used as a table column widget, you should choose the option ‘widget’; otherwise, you should choose the option ‘internalWidget’ which means the extended widget is only for table column. See the picture above.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 Move to its details panel to fill in the required attributes (name, label, icon and config) for the widget register. For the attribute ‘conifg’, you should choose or specify a relative path of the widget definition file. See the picture above. Later, you will create a XML file to describe this widget.
Configure detailed definition for table column widget
Configure mapping rules for table column widget
Define extension for mapping rule of table column widget
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