Extending : Widget extension : Advanced topics : Extending table column widget : Configure mapping rules for table column widget
Configure mapping rules for table column widget
Note For more details about this topic, see Creating a customized property mapping rule.
If there are some special logics to be injected during the JSP generation, such as extra conversion for the names and values of JSP tag attributes, you need to define a mapping rule for the column widget.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Taking the above snippet as an example, the tagged block 'widget-mapping' matches with the generation rules for the sample column widget 'ColumnLink'.
Attributes for the ‘widget-mapping’ tag
The attribute is used to link the generation rules with the registered column widget. It is required otherwise the rules could not be assigned correctly. So its value should equals with column widget identifier.
The attribute is required and used to indicate the JSP tag name for column widget generation.
In the above sample snippet, the tag ‘property-mapping’ matches with the detailed mapping policy for each widget property during generation.
Attributes for the ‘property-mapping’ tag
The attribute is used to indicate the identifier of the property which needs extra generation logic.
The attribute is used to indicate that the property name will be replaced with the value of ‘attrName’ during JSP generation. It is used for conversion of JSP attribute name.
The attribute is used to indicate the identifier of a registered mapping rule. It is used for conversion of JSP attribute value.
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Extending table column widget