Runtime tools : Channels components : HTML Channel : Reference : HTML flow processor external definitions
HTML flow processor external definitions
The HTML flow processor, states, and transitions use the following tags and attributes. For the remainder of the flow processor tags, see HTML flow processor external definitions.
<HtmlProcessor> tag attributes
The name of the class used to perform data cross-validation.
The page the processor displays if the switch to a page using the browser's back button is prohibited. Only the HTML flow processor uses this attribute.
When the processor expires due to inactivity. If the value is 0, the processor never expires.
This attribute is valid only for the client/server environment. The CSServer checks for expired processors according to the timeout value set in this parameter. When a processor expires, the CSServer fires a CSProcessorInactivityEvent. The application must handle this event and perform housekeeping processes to free as much memory as possible. The fired event contains the processor identifier and the session identifier under which the processor has been created. The HtmlProcessorManager provides the required protocol to remove the information associated with the processor from the processors table.
<HtmlState> tag
The type of state for HTML client support only. In addition to the values in type attribute in the <state>, this attribute can have the following values:
subFlow - The state executes another processor instance nested in the current processor
page - The state renders a page in the HTML client
A value that provides specific information for HTML client support related to the value of the type attribute, as follows:
processor name - The name of the processor to be started for a state of the subFlow type
JSP page file name - The name of the JSP to be rendered on the client for a state of the page type
The format used to map data from a processor to its child processor. The toolkit only uses this attribute if the type attribute is subFlow.
The format used to map the data from a child processor to its parent. The toolkit only uses this attribute if the type attribute is subFlow.
A boolean that defines whether this state has consequential status. This status determines whether the processor can return to this state when the user clicks the back button in the Web browser.
<HtmlTransition> tag
The format used to map data from a processor to its child processor. The toolkit only uses this attribute if the state's type is subFlow. The HTML flow processor only uses this attribute for the transition between two HTML states.
The format used to map the data from a child processor to its parent. The toolkit only uses this attribute if the state's type is subFlow. The HTML flow processor only uses this attribute for the transition between two HTML states.
The name of the context used for this transition. The HTML Channel uses the context transiently to validate the data obtained from a page when the user performs a specific action related to a defined page transition. The context definition can be in the generic context file or, if the processor is self-defined, in the file that contains the processor definition.
A boolean that determines whether the toolkit validates the data contained in the transition context before placing it in the processor context. The toolkit only checks this attribute if there is a defined transition context and if the data in the transition context is not typed data. The default value is false.
If the attribute is true, the toolkit does not copy the data into the processor context. Instead, it places a reference to the transition context into the processor context. Before the request handler passes control to the presentation handler, the toolkit looks for this reference within the processor context. If the reference exists, the toolkit chains the transition context to the processor context. The toolkit sets the transition context as the operation context, which it uses to build the JSP.
A boolean that determines whether the HTML Channel lets the processor handle the results of validating the data in the transition context. The default value is false.
The infrastructure keeps the transition context in the request scope by chaining it to the processor context and assigning it as the process context. At this point, regardless of the result of the validation, the toolkit allows the process to keep flowing according to its definition. The JSP code of the reply page has access to the overall context including the data of the previous input form so the page can display whatever information is required by the client. Once the JSP builds the reply page contents, the toolkit discards the transition context and restores the processor context as the process context. For an example of how to use this attribute, see cancelConfirmationState in financialInfoProc.xml in the HTML Sample Application.
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