Runtime tools : Presentation components : Rich Client Infrastructure : Tasks : Integrating complex application
Integrating complex application
You have two ways to integrate OLE applications:
1 Start OleWorkingArea activity, and set the file name that is opened by OLE applications, such as Word, Excel, and so on. Then this activity can launch this file by related applications and hold it into the working area view to integrate with other applications.
Following is the screen captures of setting the extension element details:
screen capture of setting the extension element details
The following screen captures shows that a .doc file is opened in the working area:
screen captures showing that the file is opened in the working area
2 Use reparent method to reparent the window into Rich Client platform. This is a thread which provides reparenting function for a series of Win32 windows. It can create a view in working area and reparent the window into it. The windows to be reparented are defined by addWindow(String windowClass, String windowTitleRegex).
You can add the following code example to the class ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor:
public void postWindowOpen() {
reparenter = ReparentThread.getReparentThread();
reparenter.addWindow("rctrl_renwnd32", "^.*$");//this add outlook window into working area view.
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