Tables and axes > Hierarchy of the tabulation section > Defining run conditions > Options on a, sectbeg, flt and tab statements > Data options
Data options
Data options are options which determine how the numbers in the tables will be calculated. They have nothing to do with the way those values are subsequently printed.
Unless otherwise stated, all options are valid on a, sectbeg, flt and tab statements.
This keyword requests a summary of the records present in each axis. For each axis, Quantum reports the axis name, the number of records which were excluded from the axis because they failed the condition on the l statement, the number of blank records (that is, those with no responses to any of the totalizable elements), and the number of records which had at least one code in a totalizable element. For this group of records, a further breakdown shows the number of records with 1 code, 2 codes, and 3+ codes.
The report is printed at the end of out2, just before the counts of records accepted and rejected. Axes are sorted in alphabetical order, and in levels jobs, within level. For example:
Axis Skipped  Blank  Coded  1 code  2 codes 3+ codes
ax01       -      4     96      26       38       32
ax02       -      8     92      27       31       34
ax03       -      4     96      22       44       30
ax04       7      -     93      17       49       27
In this example, all records are eligible for inclusion in ax01: 4 are blank and 96 are coded. Of those, 26 are single-coded, 38 have 2 codes and 32 have 3 or more codes. In ax04, 7 records skip this axis because they fail the condition on the l statement. The remaining 93 records are all coded.
This allows an axis to be used to edit the data and report on whether the record fulfilled the conditions within the axis. The type of coding required within the axis is defined as follows:
no requirements (default)
single-coded or blank
not blank
If a record fails the condition on the l statement, then the checks for type of coding are ignored. In all other cases, the checks are made, and any records failing the requirement are written to out2 with an explanatory message, as for require statements in the edit. Lines are also appended to the summary at the end of the print file, out2, and to the summary file, sum_, reporting the number and percentage of records failing each type of condition.
For example, the axes:
l sex;axreq=sc
col 7;Base;hd=Sex;Male;Female
l prefer;axreq=scb
col 15;Base;hd=Brand Preferred;Brand A;Brand B;
+Brand C; ...
l tried;axreq=nb
col 22;Base;hd=Brands Tried;Brand A;Brand B;
+Brand C; ...
                    60 in file
                     ----+----1----+----2----+ ....
Columns 101-200 are |006110*3116162*101001 14 ...
           not single-coded in axis sex
           multi-coded in axis prefer
           blank in axis tried
in out2, and the lines:
1 (  1%) not single-coded in axis sex
1 (  1%) multi-coded in axis prefer
1 (  1%) blank in axis tried
at the end of the print and summary files.
Note axreq= merely reports records with incorrect coding; it does not reject them from the axis or from tables using that axis.
This defines conditions which a record must satisfy if it is to be included in the tables. Conditions can be any valid logical expression. The option c= is most frequently used when creating rows and columns.
For information about logical expressions, see Logical expressions.
For information about c=, see Defining conditions for an element.
This specifies a global confidence level for all tests in the Quantum run.
For details about requesting T-tests and setting confidence levels, see Requesting a test.
This statement is only valid on the a statement.
Calculate cell values in double precision. The default is single precision.
Double precision produces more accurate results when you are working with very large numbers or numbers with many decimal places. It also increases the time taken to run your job. For these reasons you should think carefully before using this option unnecessarily.
Only the cell calculation (accum) and output (qout) stages of a Quantum run work in double precision. The values in the cell counts (nums) file are always written in single precision.
Numbers held in single precision are only ever precise to six digits. If accum calculates a number as being 1234.56789, it writes the number out to the nums file as 1234.56???, where ? is unpredictable. The same is true of 1234567890 which becomes 123456????.
If you have to deal with very large numbers, you are advised to reduce the number of significant figures by scaling the numbers down by 1,000 or 10,000 so that the printed output has a higher level of accuracy. You can add a title to the table explaining the scaling factor applied.
This causes the cell counts in a table to be incremented by the value of an arithmetic expression, rather than by 1, for each respondent included in that cell.
For more information about inc=, see Data options in More about axes.
Can be used with the inc= option to specify a description text for a numeric variable. When a numeric variable appears many times in the program, Quantum only uses the first inctext= associated with the variable. However Quantum issues a warning on the screen and in out1 if the text on subsequent inctext= statements differs from that on the first statement. This test is case-sensitive, so Quantum issues a warning if the first text is ‘Serial number’ and the second is ‘serial number’. If no inctext= is specified for an inc=, Quantum generates a description text that matches the specified name.
If inctext= is specified on a statement with no inc=, it is ignored with a warning message.
inctext= is not valid for elements of grid axes, nor for pre= or post= options on wm statements.
Note You define numeric variables for use in Quanvert databases and for export to UNICOM Intelligence or SAS with the namedinc statement.
For information on using namedinc when exporting to UNICOM Intelligence or SAS, see Data conversion programs.
For information on using namedinc when setting up a Quanvert Database, see Preparing a study for Quanvert.
Produces tables in which cells are the maximum values of inc= variables. Means that are zero are omitted from the calculation.
For an example of a table of means, which is similar to a table of maximum values, see Table of means.
Produces tables in which cells are the mean values of inc= variables.
For an example, see Table of means.
Creates a median element using real values read from the data using inc=
For more information on how to create percentiles, see Creating percentiles and medians.
Determines the interpolation method to be used when percentiles and medians are created using values read from numeric variables in the data file. That is, those specified on an n01 statement with inc= and the percentile= keyword.
Where n is the interpolation method. Values of n are:
Interpolate between the value that goes over the percentile mark and the previous value. For example, if calculating the median, this would interpolate between the value that goes over the 50% mark and the previous value. Theoretically, this means that the values are being treated as the high boundaries of intervals. This is the default.
No interpolation. Return the exact value that went over the percentile mark. If a value goes precisely to the percentile mark, the percentile is the midpoint between that value and the next value.
Interpolate between
the midpoint between the percentile mark and the previous value, and
the midpoint between the percentile mark and the next value
This corresponds to values being treated as the midpoints of intervals.
Interpolate between the percentile mark and the next value. This corresponds to values being the low points of intervals.
For information on how to create percentiles and medians and further details on the interpolation methods, see Creating percentiles and medians.
Defines the minimum size of the effective base for T statistics. If the effective base is less than n, the tests are not carried out.
For more information, see Base for T statistics.
Produces tables in which cells are the minimum values of inc= variables. Means that are zero are omitted from the calculation.
For an example of a table of means, which is similar to a table of minimum values, see Table of means.
Switches on missing values processing in the tabulation section. This provides the following facilities:
Automatic replacement of missing values with missing_.
Automatic exclusion of missing values from elements created using inc=.
A missing= option for defining other values that are to be treated as missing values.
A missing_ condition on val statements to count records with missing values.
An ismissing function to check whether a variable has the special value missing_.
In addition, the missingval keyword is provided for exporting missing values as missing_ rather than with their element numbers. Quantum honors this keyword at all times whether or not missing values processing is switched on.
Note If the run has an edit section and missing values processing is switched on in the edit, this setting carries through to the tab section. If you want missing values processing in the edit but not in the tab section, you must remember to switch it off with a missingincs 0 statement at the end of the edit.
For an explanation of what missing values are and when they occur, see Missing values in numeric fields.
missing=logical expression
Treat any record that satisfies the logical expression as a record with a missing value. This option is normally used with inc=.
For more information, see the notes on inc= in Data options in More about axes.
Inserts a squared weighting statement after each base element in every axis and before every n12. This is required when running special T statistics on weighted tables.
For more information, see T statistics on weighted tables.
Calculates T statistics using a formula that takes into account the fact that a respondent might be present in more than one of the elements being tested.
For more information, see Overlapping data.
Creates a percentile element using real values read from the data using inc=. Where n specifies the percentile to be calculated, for example, type percentile=25 to create a quartile element.
For more information on how to create percentiles, see Creating percentiles and medians.
Defines a scaling factor by which all cells in a table will by multiplied (scale=n) or divided (scale=/n), including statistical elements. For example, if you have a table reporting the number of gallons bought, you can convert these counts to liters by including the option scale=4.55 on the tab statement.
If statistical elements are not to be scaled, the option must be switched off individually for each element concerned using the noscale option.
For more information, see Switching off options.
Defines the statistics to be calculated on the table.
For more information, see Descriptive statistics and Z, T and F tests.
Calculate special T statistics and include elements in them as requested by tstat statements after tab statements and by tstat options on elements.
For more information, see Special T statistics.
Causes the n19 standard error to be calculated using the weighted count of respondents rather than the unweighted count.
For more information, see Mean, standard deviation, standard error and error variance and Weighted runs in Statistical functions and totals.
This keyword names the weighting matrix to be used.
This keyword is valid on the a and wm statements only.
This keyword is in force by default. It causes Quantum to issue an error message and to stop running when certain weighting errors are detected. By using the nowmerrors keyword, you can make Quantum issue a warning and to continue running instead. Regardless of the setting of this keyword, Quantum provides details of the error in the weighting report file, weightrp.
For more information, see Weighting.
See also
Options on a, sectbeg, flt and tab statements