Tables and axes > Introduction to axes > Naming the axis
Naming the axis
Quick reference
To name an axis and define any options applicable to the axis as a whole, type:
l name [;options]
Each axis must have a unique name. To avoid any misinterpretation, you should avoid giving an axis the same name as any other variable in the run. The name can have any number of characters (A through Z _ 1234567890). It must start with a letter; it must not contain spaces.
Quantum is case-insensitive and therefore does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters. For example, regions is the same as REGIONS.
Naming the axes
Axes are named using an l statement:
l axis_name
For example:
l product
Keywords for the l statement
Defines the level at which the axis should be created. Only used when data is processed with analysis levels.
For more information about analysis levels, see Dealing with hierarchical data.
Defines the coding requirements for the axis. The type of coding can be:
no requirements (default). Can be used on the l statement to override a different option on the a statement.
single-coded or blank
not blank
For more information, and an example of the output, see Data options.
Exports grid axes on a row-by-row basis when exporting data from Quanvert to SAS and UNICOM Intelligence.
For more information, see Exporting grid axes in Quanvert.
Defines the condition which must be met in order for a respondent to be included in the axis.
For more information on c=, see Defining conditions for an element.
Determines when flags should be reset in the intermediate table when trailer cards are read.
For more information, see clear= on the l statement.
Specifies the output column width when the axis is used as a breakdown (banner).
For more information about column widths and colwid=, see Manual set-up.
Causes the elements to be double spaced when the axis is used as the rows of a table; that is, a blank line is printed between each row of the table.
Forces an axis to be multicoded when exporting from Quantum to UNICOM Intelligence using the nqtspss program.
For more information, see Converting Quantum data and programs with nqtspss.
Prints the character defined with figchar in front of each absolute, and prints the corresponding closing bracket after each absolute.
For more information on the fig group of options, see Printing characters next to absolutes.
Defines a character to be printed before and/or after absolutes.
Prints the character declared with figchar= in front of each absolute value.
Prints the character declared with figchar= after each absolute value.
Defines an overall axis heading which is printed above the base row when the axis is a row axis, or above the columns when the axis is used as a breakdown. If the table spans more than one page, the axis heading will be printed above the first element on each subsequent page.
When the axis is used as a higher dimension, the axis heading is printed at the top left of the page. You can determine its position relative to the other tables titles using the keyword high within the a/sectbeg/flt/tab option ttord=. For information on ttord=, see Output options.
Causes cell counts in a table using this axis to be incremented by the value of the arithmetic expression, rather than by 1 for each respondent present in the axis.
If inc= is also present on the a/sectbeg/flt or tab statement, then the increment on the l statement is applied as well as that at the higher level. For example:
tab region house;inc=c132
l region;inc=c(115,116)
produces a table of region by type of house in which each cell is incremented first by the value in c132 and then by the value in c(115,116). If c132 contains the value 6 and c(115,116) contains the value 10, then the cell counts will be incremented by 60 for that respondent.
For a more detailed description, see Data options in More about axes.
Can be used with the inc= option to specify a description text for a numeric variable. When a numeric variable appears many times in the program, Quantum only uses the first inctext= associated with the variable. However Quantum issues a warning on the screen and in out1 if the text on subsequent inctext= statements differs from that on the first statement. This test is case-sensitive, so Quantum issues a warning if the first text is ‘Serial number’ and the second is ‘serial number’. If no inctext= is specified for an inc=, Quantum generates a description text that matches the specified name.
If inctext= is specified on a statement with no inc=, it is ignored with a warning message.
inctext= is not valid for elements of grid axes, nor for pre= or post= options on wm statements.
Note You define numeric variables for use in Quanvert databases and for export to UNICOM Intelligence or SAS with the namedinc statement.
For information about using namedinc for exports to UNICOM Intelligence or SAS, see Data conversion programs. For information about using namedinc when setting up a Quanvert Database, see Preparing a study for Quanvert.
missing=logical expression
Treats any record that satisfies the logical expression as a record with a missing value. This option is usually used with inc=.
For more information, see the notes on inc= in Data options in More about axes.
Indicates that suppressed elements should be collected into an element flagged with smsup+ only if that element is at the same level as the suppressed elements. For example, if an element at net level 2 is suppressed because its cell counts are below a given value, that element will only be included in the table if there is an element with smsup+ at level 2 into which it can be added.
Without netsm, suppressed elements will be added into the next smsup+ element regardless of whether it is at the correct level. Thus, an smsup+ element at level 2 can contain elements at level 2 and also any previously suppressed elements from level 1.
For an example and a more detailed explanation, see Accumulation of suppressed elements by net level.
This statement is valid on a and l statements only.
Requests that nets defined with the net statement should be sorted according to their net level. This means that nets at level 1 will be sorted and, within them, nets at level 2, and so on. Elements within a net are also sorted.
When netsort is used, each level below level 1 will be indented by 2 spaces per level — thus nets at level 2 are indented by 2 spaces (1x2 spaces); nets at level 3 are indented by 4 spaces (2x2 spaces). The elements comprising a net are indented by an additional two spaces.
The number of spaces indentation can be varied using netsort=n, where n is a whole number in the range 1 to 9, and is the number of spaces by which to indent. For example, netsort=3 will indent by multiples of 3 spaces.
If a global indentation is set for all sorted tables of nets in the run, you can turn it off for individual tables:
To turn off indentation, use netsort=0.
To turn off indentation and sorting, use nonetsort.
For netsort to work, the keyword sort must be present on the same statement as netsort or on a statement at a higher level. For example, to sort the nets in a single table, place netsort on the l statement of the row axis and sort on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement.
For examples of nets and sorted nets, see Netting and Sorting tables.
For more information about subsorts, see Sorting with subsort and endsort’.
nostatpechar restricts spechar so that it does not affect statistical elements, and their values are shown as calculated.
For more information, see nostatspechar.
Sets the default for the axis to be that elements are excluded from special T statistics.
For more information, see Which elements are tested?.
Flags an axis as being single coded. When Quantum encounters an axis flagged in this way, it only allows space for single coding in the datapass. This reduces the amount of temporary disk space required for processing large axes during the datapass and accumulation stages of the run (when the data is read and the table cell counts are calculated), as well as when flipping databases for use with Quanvert.
When you flag an axis with numcode, Quantum assumes that it is single coded and does not check it. If a record in the axis is then found to be multicoded, only the first code is taken. The first code is determined by the order in which codes are defined in the axis. For example, if the axis is:
col 123;Red;Blue;Green;Yellow;Orange;Black;Brown
and the record is multicoded with ‘247’, only code 2 will be accepted so the record will be treated as if the respondent chose blue only.
Note Quantum considers an axis to be multicoded if the data on which it is based is multicoded, or if it contains any net, ndi, nsw or n25 elements, or if it contains any n00 or n10 elements with conditions.
Omits elements in which all cells are zero from the printed tables.
When columns are suppressed in an axis whose column headings are defined on g statements, Quantum ignores the g statements and creates its own column headings using the texts defined on the elements themselves.
When suppressing rows and/or columns that are zero, you should follow a few basic rules as to where in the run you should place the nz keyword.
For more information about where to place the nz keyword, see Options on n, col, val, fld and bit statements.
For more information about column headings, see Using axes as columns.
Indicates that the elements of the axis should be sorted.
For more information on sorting, see Sorting tables.
Replaces the values of statistical elements that are zero or round to zero with the specified characters.
For more information, see statspechar='characters'.
For ex= elements on n01 statements, summary indicates that the raw counts and not the calculation results are to be used to decide whether rows or columns are to be suppressed in a secure Quanvert database.
For more information, see Secure databases.
Include all elements of this axis in the special T statistics. This is used to set a default for the axis when only a few elements need excluding from the statistics. If you neither include nor exclude elements from the tests, Quantum includes all suitable elements.
For more information about special T statistics, see Special T statistics.
Defines the level at which the axis should be updated. Only used with analysis levels.
For more information about analysis levels, see Dealing with hierarchical data.
Some of these options can also appear on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statements. To switch off a global setting for an individual axis, precede the following options with no. Options ending with = lose the = sign when preceded by no:
See also
Introduction to axes