Tables and axes > More about axes > Options on n, col, val, fld and bit statements > Output options
Output options
Output options determine how the axis is printed in the tables. They do not affect how the counts in the tables are created.
Indicates that the row or column should be used as a base for percentaging.
The column width for this element when the axis is used as a breakdown (banner) and column widths are not set with p statements.
For more information about using axes to create columns, see Using axes as columns.
The number of decimal places for absolute figures in this element. The default is dec=0.
The number of decimal places for percentages when op=0, 2, 7, or &. The default is decp=1.
Leaves one blank line between each row of data in a table. Without this, one line follows directly underneath another.
Defines a dummy element used to ‘pad’ the axis to the size required to accommodate the final table. This can be used when two or more tables of different sizes are added together with the add statement. Dummy is only valid on n01 and n15 statements.
For more information about adding tables, see Creating a table.
Identifies the last element to be included in a net at level n. If endnet terminates nets at more than one level, the level number must be that of the highest level.
For more information about netting, see Netting.
Denotes the end of a group of rows to be sorted within the axis. If a row terminates more than one level of sorting, the notation endsort=n must be used, where n is the number of levels terminated.
For more information about sorting, see Sorting tables.
Specifies that the element is to be exported to SAS or SPSS. Most elements are exported by default, but Quantum assigns the noexport option to certain types of elements. These are:
all base elements: that is where Base is specified on col, val, var, n10, n11 statements and nxxx;base elements
n25 and n31 elements
nsw and n15 elements that are generated automatically
n01;dummy elements
elements that do not have a condition applied: no c= and no n00 filtering is applied.
If you want to export these elements to SAS or SPSS, you need to set the export option.
Prints the character defined with figchar in front of each absolute, and prints the corresponding closing bracket after each absolute.
For more information on the fig group of options, see Printing characters next to absolutes.
Defines a character to be printed before and/or after absolutes.
Prints the character declared with figchar= in front of each absolute value.
Prints the character declared with figchar= after each absolute value.
Names the subgroup(s) to which the element belongs. If the element is part of more than one group, the group names must be separated by commas.
When a table is too long to fit onto one page, the base is automatically printed as the first row of all subsequent pages of the table. hold=n allows you to select other elements to be printed on continuation pages in addition to, or instead of, the base.
This option can appear on any n statement, or an equivalent. n can be between 1 and 9, with elements with lower values being printed before those with higher values. If two or more elements have the same hold value, the most recent one before the page break supersedes any previous elements with that value.
The default for non-base elements is no hold at all; the default for bases is hold=0 which prints them at the top of the table before any other held items. You can put your own hold value on base elements to override the default.
For an example and further information, see Repeating elements on continued tables.
Assigns an identity code of up to six characters for use in row or table manipulation.
For more information about manipulation, see Row and table manipulation.
Defines the number of spaces by which the second and subsequent lines of a long element text should be indented when it is broken by Quantum. n can be any number between 1 and 7; the default is 0.
Indicates that the element should be ignored if the axis is used as a breakdown axis. This is the default for n25 elements. To print these elements in a table add the option col to the n25 statement.
Prevents the element from being exported to SAS or SPSS. This means that during the export:
The element does not count towards determining whether an axis is single-coded or multicoded.
If the axis is single-coded, records for this element are assigned the missing value.
If the element is part of a multicoded axis, no variable is generated for the element.
If noexport is assigned to every element in an axis, Quantum does not generate any variables for the axis.
Generally, noexport has the same effect as if the element never existed. However, the elements still affect the values that are assigned to single-coded variables: their values are assigned, they just never appear.
By default, Quantum automatically assigns the noexport option to certain types of elements. These are:
all base elements; that is where Base is specified on col, val, var, n10, n11 statements and nxxx;base elements
n25 and n31 elements
nsw and n15 elements that are generated automatically
n01;dummy elements
elements that do not have a condition applied: no c= and no n00 filtering is applied.
If you want to export these elements to SAS or SPSS, you need to set the export option.
Ignores the element when the axis is used as a third or higher dimension.
(or ntot). Excludes this element from totals created by n04 or n05 statements, averages created by n07 statements, and the statistics described in Descriptive statistics and Z, T and F tests.
This option does not exclude the element from n12 (mean), n13 (sum of factors), n17 (standard deviation), n19 (standard error) and n20 (sample variance) elements, or from the special T statistics described in Special T statistics when they are performed in Quantum. However Windows-based Quanvert only performs special T statistics on ntot columns if id= is specified on the element when it is defined in Quantum.
For more information about n04, n05 and n07, see Statistical functions and totals.
When this is used, the element is ignored when the axis is used as a row axis. This is the default for n25 elements. To print these elements in a table add the option row to the n25 statement.
Indicates that the row is not to be sorted with the other rows in the axis or group.
For more information about sorting, see Sorting tables.
Exclude this element from the special T statistics. This is the default for n10, n11 and their equivalents on col, val, bit and fld statements.
Indicates that the element should not be printed if all its cells are zero. Elements that contain nonprinting cells that are not blank are suppressed as long as all the printing cells are blank. This means that if you have an element that is all blank apart from a non-printing base column that is suppressed by nocol, the row element will be suppressed.
Which statement you put nz on depends on what you want to suppress:
To suppress zero data elements, but not text-only elements, put nz on the tab statement.
To suppress specific elements if they are zero, put nz on those individual data elements.
To suppress individual text-only elements if the entire following section of data elements is suppressed (by nz, smsups and so on), put nz on those individual text-only elements.
To suppress specific elements if they are zero and individual text-only elements if the entire following section of data elements is suppressed, use nz on the l statement. If you then want to print a specific text-only element, you can use nonz on that element.
The same as op= on an a statement.
For more information about the output options for the a statement and below, see Output options.
Defines how percentages should be printed in relation to absolutes.
For more information about pcpos, see Output options.
Defines a scaling factor by which all values in the element must be multiplied before printing. To have elements divided by a given value, the notation is scale=/n. For example, scale=/100 will divide all numbers by 100 before printing them.
Suppress the element if all absolutes are below the given value. At least one of the options smcol or smrow must also be present on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement to determine which types of elements in the table are affected.
(or smsupc=n). Suppress the element if all column percentages are below the given value. At least one of the options smcol or smrow must also be present on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement to determine which types of elements in the table are affected.
When columns are suppressed in an axis whose column headings are defined on g statements, Quantum ignores the g statements and creates its own column headings using the texts defined on the elements themselves.
For more information on defining column headings on g statements, see Using axes as columns.
Suppress the element if all total percentages are below the given value. At least one of the options smcol or smrow must also be present on the a, sectbeg, flt or tab statement to determine which types of elements in the table are affected.
Creates an element which includes the sum of all elements suppressed by the smsup group of keywords, in addition to any other records which normally belong in that element. Suppressed elements are collected from the start of the axis, the most recent base, or the most recent smsup+ element, whichever is the most recent. Elements suppressed after the smsup+ are not included. For example:
col 132;Red;%smsupa=10;Blue;Green;Yellow
n01Other primary;c=c132'5/&';smsup+col 133;Pale
Here, the Other element includes all answers coded as 132’5/&’ and also the count for red if it is less than 10. It does not include the count for grey, even if that element is suppressed. To create an element which is solely a count of suppressed elements, write a statement of the form:
n01Suppressed elements;dummy;smsup+
If you are using smsup+ in a table of nets, and you want the suppressed elements to be accumulated into other elements at the correct net level, include netsm on the a, sectbeg, flt, tab or l statement.
For more information about suppressing small values with nets, see Accumulation of suppressed elements by net level in Introduction to axes.
Determines the column on which the table should be sorted.
Denotes the start of a subgroup to be sorted internally within a sorted table.
For more information about sorting, see Sorting tables.
For ex= elements on n01 statements, summary indicates that the raw counts, and not the calculation results, are to be used to decide whether rows or columns are to be suppressed in a secure Quanvert database.
For more information, see Secure databases.
Suppresses percentages for a single row when percentages have been requested for the rest of the table.
Defines a text to be used as a column heading when the element text is unsuitable for this purpose, for example, because it is too long. For example:
n23Visited Museum Before;toptext=Been Before
Include this element in the special T statistics. This is the default for n01, n15 and their equivalents on col, val, bit and fld statements.
Underlines the element text. The amount of underlining is determined by the value of n:
1: underline the whole text
2: underline the whole text, excluding strings of blanks
3: underline words only. Blanks of any kind are ignored
See also
Options on n, col, val, fld and bit statements