solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Administering solidDB : Creating a new database : Setting database block size (BlockSize) and location (FileSpec)
Setting database block size (BlockSize) and location (FileSpec)
The default block size for the solidDB database file is 16 KB. The block size is defined in multiples of 4 KB. The minimum block size is 4 KB and the maximum is 64 KB.
The maximum database size is also controlled by the block size. The maximum database size is (2^32-1)*(blocksize). Therefore, with the default 16KB block size, the maximum database size is 64 TB - 16KB.
The block size is set with the parameter Indexfile.BlockSize. If you want solidDB to create a database with a different block size, you must set the Indexfile.BlockSize value before creating a database. If you have an existing database, remember to move the old database (.db) and log files (.log) to another directory; the next time you start solidDB, a new database is created.
To modify the constant value for the new database, add the following lines in the solid.ini file, providing the size in bytes:
The unit of size is 1 byte (as in all size-related parameters). You can also use the unit symbols of K for KB and M for MB.
After you save the file and start solidDB, solidDB creates a database with the size specified in the new constant value in solid.ini file.
Similarly, you can also modify the Indexfile.FileSpec parameter to define the following values:
Name and location of the database files
Maximum size (in bytes) the database file can reach
You can also use the Indexfile.FileSpec parameter to divide the database file into multiple files and onto multiple disks. Multiple database files are useful if you require a large physical database.
For details on configuring the database file locations and sizes with the Indexfile.FileSpec parameter, see Managing database files and caching (IndexFile section).
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Creating a new database