solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Administering solidDB : Creating a new database : Defining database objects
Defining database objects
The solidDB database objects include catalogs, schemas, tables, views, indexes, stored procedures, triggers, and sequences. By default, database object names are qualified with the user name of the object creator and a system catalog name. You can also specify that database objects are qualified by a schema name.
You can use catalogs and schemas to organize your data, see Managing database objects.
Size limitations on database objects
solidDB supports a practically unlimited number of tables, rows, and indexes. Character strings and binary data are stored in variable length format. This feature saves disk space and makes programming easier for developers since the lengths of strings or binary fields do not have to be fixed. The maximum size for a single column value is 2G ‑ 1 bytes.
You can set the maximum size of LONG VARCHAR (or CLOB) columns that are used in string functions by using the Sql.MaxBlobExpressionSize parameter, see SQL section.
For efficiency, the solidDB server can store BLOB data outside the table. When BLOBs (Binary Large Objects), such as objects, images, video, graphics, or digitized sound are larger than a particular size, the server automatically detects the BLOBs and stores the objects in a special file area that has optimized block sizes for large files. Administrative actions are not required. For more information, see BLOBs and CLOBs.
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