solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Monitoring solidDB : Monitoring SMA
Monitoring SMA
In solidDB, you can monitor and collect data on the type and number of SMA connections as well as the SMA memory segment sizes.
Use ADMIN COMMAND 'userlist' to print a list of the type of user connections (network client or SMA client), see USERLIST.
Use ADMIN COMMAND 'report' to print a list of the connections by the type, see REPORT.
Check the login entries in the solmsg.out file for the type of the connections, see Controlling message log output.
Use the following performance counters:
SMA connection count: to collect data on the number of SMA connections.
SMA shared memory used: to collect data on the SMA memory segment size.
For details about the performance counters, see Using performance counters (perfmon).
Measuring processor utilization in SMA-based databases
The SMA server process (solidsma) cannot be used to measure the processor utilization of the database that is used by SMA applications. With SMA, most of the solidDB server code executes in the application address space. However, the processor utilization reported for an SMA application reflects both the load inflicted by the application code itself and the solidDB code that is invoked to process the application request.
If the applications are not processor-intensive, the best approximation of the processor utilization of the total database system is the sum of the processor utilization values of all the SMA applications and the SMA server process.
The SMA server process consumes very little of the processor capacity in its own address space. The server process consists of only housekeeping and asynchronous tasks like checkpointing and backup.
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Monitoring solidDB