solidDB Help : solidDB Grid : Working with grids : Scaling a grid : Removing a node from a grid
Removing a node from a grid
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.
When a node is permanently removed, all partition copies are removed along with the node. If this results in too few copies of a partition in the grid, the grid automatically creates new copies of the partition on other grid nodes.
Note You can also disconnect a node from a grid temporarily (for a short period of time) by setting the node offline, see Disconnecting a node from the grid temporarily.
Complete the following step to permanently remove a node from the grid. When the node is removed, you can specify whether the node should be shut down (default option), restarted, or left running.
On a node that is already part of the grid, run the ALTER GRID statement with the DROP NODE option. For example:
In this example, the server is restarted as a new node that can then be re-added to this grid or added to another grid. For details of other options, see ALTER GRID.
Note The Node controller must be active for the RECYCLE mode to work, see Node controller.
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Scaling a grid