solidDB Help : solidDB Grid : Working with grids
Working with grids
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.
A solidDB grid is composed of a number of solidDB server instances (nodes), see solidDB Grid overview. The nodes can run on the same or separate host machines.
After you initialize a grid, you can determine the database tables that should be replicated or partitioned across the nodes in the grid, and create associated partitioning rules and replication factors.
The following topics explain how to perform the administrative tasks that are associated with a grid:
Creating a grid
Shutting down a grid
Restarting a grid
Creating tables in a grid
Configuring a grid
Scaling a grid
Upgrading a grid
Backing up and restoring a grid
Troubleshooting a grid
Monitoring a grid
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.