solidDB Help : solidDB Grid : Working with grids : Creating a grid
Creating a grid
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.
Complete the following steps to create a grid:
1 Identify the solidDB server that will be your initial node.
If the database already contains tables, these tables will usually be converted to non-partitioned (shared) tables in the grid (and replicated to all new nodes). However, there are a number of exceptions and caveats:
Transient and temporary table types are not supported in a grid. An attempt to create a grid when the current database has existing transient or temporary tables will fail with error 13634.
Sequences are not supported in a grid. An attempt to create a grid when the current database has existing sequences will fail with error 13634.
If an existing table (of a type other than transient or temporary) contains functionality that is not supported in a grid, the table is retained in the database on the current server but is not replicated to new nodes. An attempt to create a grid table that has the same name as the existing table will fail.
Tables that contain triggers and stored procedures are converted to non-partitioned tables in a grid but the behavior of the triggers and stored procedures in the grid might be unpredictable, see SQL limitations for partitioned tables.
2 Identify (or create) user credentials that are assigned the SYS_ADMIN_ROLE on the server that will be your initial node, and that you will use to create the grid.
3 Configure the following settings in the solid.ini file for the initial node:
4 Start the solidDB server as normal.
5 Run the CREATE GRID statement, see CREATE GRID. For example:
In this example, a grid is created by using the user name dba. The grid name and node name are not specified and so these are automatically generated.
The address and port number are used by other nodes in the grid (when they are added) to connect to this node.
High-level information is written to the grid message file (gridmsg.out), in addition to normal server messages that are written to the solidDB message file solmsg.out. Standard solidDB trace and debug output options are also available, see TRACE.
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Working with grids