solidDB Help : solidDB Grid : Working with grids : Upgrading a grid : Upgrading the application
Upgrading the application
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.
When you upgrade application software, consider the following factors:
What level of database unavailability is acceptable? Must the service be continuously available during the upgrade?
Is a schema upgrade part of the application software upgrade?
Does the new version of the application function with the schema from the original application version?
Does the original version of application software function with the schema from the new application?
Modifying a schema in a grid environment is similar to modifying a schema in a single server environment but the following factors should be considered:
Tables are locked in all grid nodes while DDL operations are active.
Schema changes are controlled by the grid leader and executed similarly in all grid nodes.
Due to the asynchronous nature of grid replication, DDL operations might last longer in a grid than on a single server because individual grid nodes might have some replication buffer on any specific table to catch before the schema upgrade can start.
The solidDB ODBC and JDBC drivers are components that are part of the application software. An upgrade of only the drivers can be treated as an application software upgrade that has no impact on application logic or database schema.
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Upgrading a grid