solidDB Help : solidDB Grid : Working with grids : Restarting a grid
Restarting a grid
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.
After a grid is created, the grid is automatically started (with the single grid node). To restart a grid (that was shut down), complete the following steps:
1 Start all grid nodes. For example, by running the following command:
solid -Ccatalogname -Uusername -x pwdfile:passwordfile
Note Do not use the -x gridnode option. The -x gridnode option is used only when you are adding a new node to a grid, see Scaling a grid.
2 Make an eligible node the initial grid leader by running the following command on that node:
ADMIN COMMAND 'grid allowraftleadership'
Note A node is eligible as long as all outstanding system transactions had executed on the node at the time that the grid was completely shut down.
3 Restart the grid by running the following command on the grid leader:
ADMIN COMMAND 'grid restart'
For more information about the 'grid restart' command, see GRID.
4 Check that grid leader has been elected by running the following command on any node in the grid:
ADMIN COMMAND 'grid nodeinfo nodes'
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Working with grids