solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB HTTP SQL Access : Principles of operation
Principles of operation
An application generates an SQL string and sends it to solidDB by using the HTTP interface that is provided by the programming language. No solidDB-specific code is required in the client application. solidDB just defines how HTTP messages and reply messages are formatted. SQL is accessed by using special URL strings, and results are returned in JSON format.
Diagram that shows application that uses HTTP interface to solidDB
Inside the server, each HTTP SQL session creates an internal ODBC connection, which is implemented by using Linked Library Access (LLA). For more information about LLA, see Deploying LLA applications. The internal ODBC connection is visible as a ‘Linked’ connection when you run the following command:
ADMIN COMMAND 'userlist'
The internal connection can be administered as a regular connection by using the ADMIN COMMAND commands for monitoring, tracing, throwing out, and other operations.
Note Due to the local server nature of the database connection, ADMIN COMMAND 'shutdown' is not supported. Also, using HTTP SQL Access for running database management commands is not recommended.
When executing SQL statements, two kinds of error messages might be returned: the regular database error code that is related to SQL execution (if SQL is successfully passed to the database), and regular HTTP status codes. For database error codes, see Error codes. The most common HTTP return codes are listed in the following table. For more details about HTTP status codes, see HTTP documentation.
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solidDB HTTP SQL Access