solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB HTTP SQL Access
solidDB HTTP SQL Access
The following topics contain information and usage examples for developing applications that use the solidDB HTTP SQL Access interface.
In general, HTTP SQL Access enables a solidDB SQL interface from any language that supports the HTTP protocol. This extends the access to solidDB from ODBC and JDBC interfaces to virtually any modern programming language where HTTP connections are widely used.
HTTP SQL Access provides a basic set of features for database access. Key limitations include database metadata processing, local record set browsing, data type conversions, and large object processing.
Most programming languages have solutions for ODBC access, either directly or by using third party drivers. When deciding whether to use ODBC-based database access or HTTP SQL Access, you should consider the following areas:
Required SQL feature set
HTTP SQL Access is solidDB-specific and lacks certain features like metadata access and local result set processing. Access through ODBC has more features and is database independent.
Data security issues and firewalls
Routing HTTP through firewalls typically requires less configuration than routing ODBC through firewalls.
Additional architecture components
ODBC-based access requires ODBC drivers to be present in client installations.
Principles of operation
Enabling HTTP SQL Access
HTTP SQL requests and responses
Code samples: