solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB HTTP SQL Access : Enabling HTTP SQL Access
Enabling HTTP SQL Access
Clients can use the HTTP/HTTPS (TLS) protocol to access data that is stored in solidDB. By default, this feature is not enabled. To allow HTTPS requests, the following solid.ini parameter must be set:
In order to keep server credentials secure, using insecure HTTP connections is not recommended. However, for testing purposes, insecure HTTP connections can be allowed by setting the following solid.ini parameter:
If using the default setting HTTP.Secure=Yes, then a TLS listener parameter must also be defined in the [Com] section of the solid.ini file as:
myhost 1234
For further information on the Listen function (and many other parameters that can be used in the [Com] section of the server-side solid.ini file), see Communication section (server-side).
Secure HTTPS connections respect TLS signed certificates if such are required. If TLS signed certificates have not been configured, solidDB uses self-signed certificates which may lead to a security warning in client software. See Securing communications with TLS guidelines to encrypt solidDB connectivity by using the TLS protocol.
There are a number of other server-side solid.ini settings that control HTTP SQL Access, see HTTP SQL Access section.
Installing and configuring the OpenSSL toolkit
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solidDB HTTP SQL Access