solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB JDBC driver : solidDB JDBC driver extensions : Non-standard JDBC connection properties : TLS and encryption properties
TLS and encryption properties
You can control whether the connection uses the DES algorithm or the openSSL libcrypto library for encryption, and specify truststore and keystore details (if you are using a trusted certificate) by using the following connection properties:
solid_use_encryption on page 1907
solid_use_strong_encryption on page 1908
solid_crypto_path on page 1904
solid_use_tls on page 1908
solid_truststore_path on page 1907 (solidDB version 200.0.3 and later)
solid_truststore_pwd on page 1907 (solidDB version 200.0.3 and later)
solid_keystore_path on page 1905 (solidDB version 200.0.3 and later)
solid_keystore_pwd on page 1905 (solidDB version 200.0.3 and later)
For examples of setting these properties, see Configuring external authentication for JDBC clients.
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Non-standard JDBC connection properties