solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB ODBC API : Connecting to a data source : Network name and connect string syntax
Network name and connect string syntax
The solidDB network name syntax depends on the connectivity type: basic connectivity or transparent connectivity (TC Info). Both connectivity types can be used with network-based connections or local, Shared Memory Access (SMA) connections.
Basic connectivity is the most commonly used connectivity type where the connect string defines the connection between the application and the solidDB server.
Transparent connectivity (TC Info) is used in High Availability (HA) configurations for specifying a (single) connection between the application and the solidDB HotStandby (HSB) servers.
Both basic connectivity and transparent connectivity can be used in SMA setups.
Network name syntax
The network name has the following syntax:
network_name::=basic_connectivity | transparent_connectivity
basic_connectivity::= network_connect_string | sma_connect_string
network_connect_string::=protocol_name [options] [server_name] [port_number]
sma_connect_string::=sma protocol_name port_number | pipe_name
For example:
tcp localhost 1315
sma tcp 2315
For details of the Transparent Connectivity network name syntax, see Defining the Transparent Connectivity connection.
For more information about SMA connections, see Establishing local connections for SMA applications.
For information about the format of the solidDB connect string, see Format of the solidDB connect string.
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Connecting to a data source