solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB ODBC API : Connecting to a data source : Empty data source name
Empty data source name
When an application uses the ODBC API directly and calls SQLConnect() without specifying the solidDB server network name (by giving an empty string), it is read from the Com.Connect parameter setting in the client-side solid.ini file, see Communication section (client-side).
The client-side solid.ini file must reside in the current working directory of the application or in a path specified by the SOLIDDIR environment variable.
The following connect line in the solid.ini of the application workstation connects an application (client) using the TCP/IP protocol to the solidDB server running on a host computer named spiff and listening with the name (port number in this case) 1313.
Connect = tcp spiff 1313
If the Com.Connect parameter is not specified in the solid.ini configuration file, the client uses the environment-dependent default instead. The defaults for the server-side Com.Listen parameter and the client-side Com.Connect parameters are set so that the application (client) always connects to a local solidDB server that listens with a default network name. Therefore, local communication (inside one machine) does not necessarily need a configuration file in order to establish a connection.
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Connecting to a data source