solidDB Help : solidDB reference : Client-side configuration parameters : Communication section (client-side)
Communication section (client-side)
The following table describes the parameters that can be used in the [Com] section of the client-side solid.ini file. For parameters that can be used in the [Com] section of the server-side solid.ini file, see Communication section (server-side).
Factory value
Path (optional) and file name of the certificate authority (CA) certificate file that is needed for TLS certificate verification.
The path (if specified) can be an absolute path or relative to the working directory of the client program and must use the conventions of your operating system. For example, in Windows environments, if the path contains white space characters, the path must be enclosed in double quotation marks. if the client runs on a UNIX operating system, path separators must be slashes instead of backslashes.
client-ca.crt (in server working directory)
Connection (or read) timeout (in milliseconds).
A network request fails if no response is received during the time specified.
The value 0 sets the timeout to infinite. This value can be overridden with the connect string option -r and also with the ODBC attribute:
Note This parameter applies only to the TCP protocol.
0 (infinite)
Default network name (connect string) that the client uses to connect to the solidDB server (if the connect string is not explicitly specified in the connection parameters).
This value is used also when the SQLConnect() call is made with an empty data source name.
The format of the standard solidDB connect string is:
protocol_name [options]
  [host_computer_name] server_name
where options and server_name depend on the communication protocol.
Since the client should talk to the same network name as the server is listening to, the value of the Com.Connect parameter on the client should match the value of the Com.Listen parameter on the server.
Note In HotStandby and SMA setups, additional connect string attributes are used to specify further functionality, such as Transparent Connectivity (TC).
tcp localhost 1964 (Windows)
upipe SOLID (Linux and UNIX)
Login timeout (in milliseconds).
This value can be overridden with the connect string option -c and, further on, with the ODBC attribute:
Note This parameter applies only to the TCP protocol.
Operating system specific
Path and name of the OpenSSL library that contains the TLS routines for encrypted connections to the server.
For example: OpenSSLLibPath=C:\SSLLibs\libssl-1_1.dll
The solidDB distribution does not include OpenSSL libraries; you can download the libraries from the following OpenSSL site:
This parameter is required only if the environment is not set up to locate the OpenSSL libraries in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH (on Linux/UNIX), $LIBPATH on AIX, or %PATH% (on Windows).
If this parameter must be set, then Client.CryptoLibPath must also be set, see CryptoLibPath.
The path must use the conventions of your operating system. For example, in Windows environments, if the path contains white space characters, the path must be enclosed in double quotation marks. If the server runs on a UNIX operating system, path separators must be slashes instead of backslashes.
Controls the TCP socket linger (SO_LINGER).
If set to yes, the system attempts to deliver any buffered data when a close is requested.
If set to no, the system discards any buffered data when a close is requested.
Time (in seconds) that the socket lingers after a close is requested.
If the time interval expires before the graceful shutdown sequence completes, an abortive shutdown sequence occurs (the data is discarded). A value of 0 indicates that the system default is used (typically, 1 second).
If set to yes, trace information about network messages for the established network connection is written to the file that is specified with the TraceFile parameter.
Name of file to which trace information about network messages is written (if the Trace parameter is set to yes).
The file is created in the current working directory of the server or client depending on which end the tracing is started.
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Client-side configuration parameters