solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB ODBC API : Connecting to a data source : Configuring the solidDB ODBC data source for Windows
Configuring the solidDB ODBC data source for Windows
To configure an ODBC data source for Windows platforms, you must perform the following steps.
1 Ensure that the solidDB ODBC driver is installed.
2 Click Data Sources (ODBC) in Control Panel > Administrative Tools
3 Open the User DSN tab.
4 Click Add.
5 Select the solidDB ODBC Driver (ANSI or UNICODE according to your database requirements).
6 Enter the Data Source configuration in the solidDB ODBC Driver Setup box as shown in the following example.
The NetworkName entry must be compliant with the database server listen addresses that are defined in solid.ini. The network name uses the solidDB connection string format, see Format of the solidDB connect string.
Screenshot of ODBC Driver Setup dialog
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Connecting to a data source