solidDB Help : Programming : Deploying SMA and LLA applications : Deploying LLA applications : Establishing local connections for LLA applications : Making local JDBC connections to LLA servers
Making local JDBC connections to LLA servers
Linked library access (LLA) with Java supports both local database connections as well as RPC based connections.
In order to make a local (non-RPC-based) JDBC connection, you need to specify the JDBC driver that you are using "localserver" at port 0.
If you are making the database connection by using, for example, JDBC class DriverManager, connect by using the following statement:
DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:solid://localserver:0", myLogin, myPwd);
The DriverManager uses the URL "jdbc:solid://localserver:0" for making a connection to the local server. If the getConnection subroutine is given another URL, the driver will try to connect with RPC.
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Establishing local connections for LLA applications