solidDB Help : Programming : Deploying SMA and LLA applications : Use of signal handlers
Use of signal handlers
Signal handlers are used to report the occurrence of an exceptional event to the application, for example division by zero.
Shared Memory Access (SMA) and Linked Library Access (LLA) libraries have their own signal handlers that can help the servers to survive the most common application failures, such as applications being killed or interrupted by outside factors. Upon the capture of certain signals, the signal handler closes the connections safely and exits the application. This means that in most cases, the server continues to run despite abnormal application exits.
You cannot disable the LLA signal handler or modify the set of signals that the LLA library handles, and you must not set your own signal handlers in LLA applications.
You can disable the SMA signal handler by setting the client-side parameter SharedMemoryAccess.SignalHandler to no, see SharedMemoryAccess section (server-side). You can also modify the set of signals that the SMA library handles with the client-side parameter SharedMemoryAccess.Signals.
However, if the SMA signal handler is enabled (default), do not set signal handlers in your application for any signals that are handled by the SMA library; the application setting overrides the SMA library settings.
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Deploying SMA and LLA applications