solidDB Help : Programming : Using SQL for database administration : Using solidDB SQL syntax
Using solidDB SQL syntax
solidDB SQL syntax is based on the ANSI X3H2-1989 (SQL-89) level 2 standard including important SQL-92 and SQL-99 extensions.
To execute SQL statements, you can use the solidDB SQL Editor (solsql) or solidDB SQL Remote Control (solcon), or various ODBC or JDBC compliant tools. Additionally, you can execute SQL statements from a file, for example, to automate tasks. You can also use such files for rerunning your SQL statements later or as a document of your users, tables, and indexes.
Note When using solsql, SQL statements must be terminated with a semicolon (;). In other cases, terminating SQL statements with a semicolon gives a syntax error.
solidDB SQL data types
solidDB SQL supports data types specified in the SQL-92 Standard Entry Level specifications, as well as important intermediate level enhancements. For a complete description of the supported data types, see SQL: Data types.
You can also define some data types with the optional length, scale, and precision parameters. In that case, the default properties of the corresponding data type are not used.
solidDB ADMIN COMMAND commands
The solidDB SQL includes the extension ADMIN COMMAND 'command [command_args]' that is used for performing basic administrative tasks, such as backups, performance monitoring, and shutdown, see solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax.
To access a short description of available commands, run:
Scalar functions
The solidDB server supports the use of direct function names.
For example:
SELECT substring(line, 1,4) FROM test;
However, functions whose names match reserved words must be enclosed with escape characters (double quotation marks). For example:
SELECT "left"(line,4) FROM test;
SELECT {fn left(line,4)} FROM test;
The latter example corresponds to the ODBC implementation-independent syntax, which can be used in all interfaces.
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Using SQL for database administration