solidDB Help : Programming : Working with Unicode : Developing applications for Unicode : ODBC applications and Unicode databases
ODBC applications and Unicode databases
In ODBC environments, the solidDB ODBC driver handles the conversion of data between the encoding that is used in the application (client) and the UTF format in the solidDB Unicode database.
Note Instead of linking directly to the solidDB ODBC driver, you can use the unixODBC driver manager, see Using unixODBC driver manager.
In ODBC environments, the conversions can be set to expect the application default locale or a user-defined locale for the encoding in the application buffer.
For binding of character data, you can set the ODBC driver to use one of the following methods:
the current client locale encoding
specific encoding as defined with a locale name
no encoding
UTF-8 encoding
The binding of character data can be set for all clients by using the server-side parameter Srv.ODBCDefaultCharBinding (see Srv section) or for individual clients by using the client-side parameter Client.ODBCCharBinding (see Client section). If both parameters are set, the client-side parameter overrides the server-side parameter. In both cases, the standard C type identifier SQL_C_CHAR is used.
For example, if some clients use the current locale of the client and some clients use the Finnish Latin1 code page, set the following parameters:
In the server-side solid.ini, set:
In client-side solid.ini for those clients that require the Latin1 code page, set:
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Developing applications for Unicode