solidDB Help : solidDB reference : Client-side configuration parameters : Client section
Client section
The following table describes the parameters that can be used in the [Client] section of the client-side solid.ini file.
Factory value
Path (optional) and file name of the file that contains the authentication token.
For example: Client.AuthTokenFile=mytoken.txt
The path must use the conventions of your operating system. For example, in Windows environments, if the path contains white space characters, the path must be enclosed in double quotation marks. if the server runs on a UNIX operating system, path separators must be slashes instead of backslashes.
Authentication token string.
For example:
Path and file name of the OpenSSL libcrypto library.
For example: CryptoLibPath=/usr/local/lib/
The solidDB distribution does not include OpenSSL libraries; you can download the libraries from the following OpenSSL site:
This parameter is required only if the environment is not set up to locate the OpenSSL libraries in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH (on Linux/UNIX), $LIBPATH on AIX, or %PATH% (on Windows).
If this parameter must be set, then Com.OpenSSLLibPath must also be set, see OpenSSLLibPath.
The path can be an absolute path or relative to the solidDB working directory and must use the conventions of your operating system. For example, in Windows environments, if the path contains white space characters, the path must be enclosed in double quotation marks. If the server runs on a UNIX operating system, path separators must be slashes instead of backslashes
Note This parameter replaces the original Client.GSKitPath parameter.
Number of result rows that are sent (pre-fetched) to the client driver in response to the SQLExecute call with a SELECT statement.
The result rows are subsequently returned to the application with the first SQLFetch calls made by the application.
A value of 2 allows for prefetching of single-row results.
If your SELECT statements usually return larger number of rows, setting this to an appropriate value can improve performance significantly.
See also, RowsPerMessage.
Determined by the server setting
Binding method for character data.
This parameter overrides any value set in the server-side parameter, Srv.ODBCDefaultCharBinding.
The following options are valid:
raw - no data conversion takes place between solidDB server and the client.
Use the value raw when you want your database to use the binding that was used in solidDB version 6.3 or earlier.
locale - the current client locale setting is used.
locale:locale-name - the specified locale is used
The convention for locale-name depends on the operating system.
For example, in Linux environments, the locale name for the code page GB18030 in Chinese/China is zh_CN.gb18030. In Windows environments, the locale name for Latin1 code page in Finnish/Finland is fin_fin.1252.
UTF8 - UTF-8 binding is used.
If set to yes, ODBC handle validation is enabled.
For more information about the SQL_ATTR_HANDLE_VALIDATION ODBC attribute, see ODBC handle validation.
Number of rows returned from the server in one network message when an SQLFetch call is executed (and there are no pre-fetched rows).
See also, ExecRowsPerMessage.
Determined by the server setting
Number of cached statements per session.
Statement cache is an internal memory storing a few previously prepared SQL statements.
Set to yes when server is configured to use OpenSSL encryption for passwords (that is, when server-side parameter General.CryptoLoginRequired is set to yes).
Your environment must be configured to locate the OpenSSL libcrypto library, see CryptoLibPath.
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Client-side configuration parameters