solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB SA : Transactions and autocommit mode
Transactions and autocommit mode
By default, solidDB SA runs in autocommit mode.
Autocommit mode is switched off by calling the function SaTransBegin, which explicitly begins a transaction. In this mode, the transaction is explicitly committed by using the SaTransCommit function or rolled back by using SaTransRollback.
After the transaction is committed, solidDB SA returns to its autocommit mode setting.
In autocommit mode, the transaction is committed immediately after an insert (SaCursorInsert), update (SaCursorUpdate), or delete (SaCursorDelete). Note that even when using SaArrayInsert, each individual record is inserted in a separate transaction if autocommit is used (see SaArrayInsert for more details). To improve performance when inserting multiple rows with the SaArrayInsert function, put multiple inserts into a single transaction by using SaTransBegin and SaTransCommit.
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solidDB SA