solidDB Help : Programming : solidDB SA
solidDB SA
The solidDB Application Programming Interface, also known as solidDB SA, is a low level C-language client library that you can use to access solidDB database management products. solidDB SA is a layer that resides internally in solidDB products. Normally, the use of an industry standards-based interface, such as ODBC or JDBC, is recommended. However, in environments with heavy write load (batch inserts and updates), solidDB SA can provide a significant performance advantage.
Additionally, the solidDB SA interface provides functions that can generate geohash values in order to enhance performance in spatial queries, see solidDB geohash functions.
What is solidDB SA?
Getting started with solidDB SA
Writing data by using solidDB SA without SQL
Reading data by using solidDB SA without SQL
Running SQL statements by using solidDB SA
Transactions and autocommit mode
Handling database errors
Special notes about solidDB SA