solidDB Help : solidDB reference : Command line options : solidDB (solid) command line syntax
solidDB (solid) command line syntax
Start solidDB with the solid command, followed by argument options.
The syntax for starting solidDB is:
solid [options] -U[username] -P[password] -C[catalogname]
The following table describes the valid options:
-c directory
Changes working directory
solid -c /data/solid
Starts the server in the foreground
Enables the monitoring facility for tracing SQL statements.
For more details, see Monitoring solidDB.
-n name
Sets the server name
-s install,name,fullexepath -c directory[,autostart]
Runs solidDB as a Windows service.
After the service is installed, it must be started manually using the Windows Services dialog or command prompt.
Specifying autostart sets the Startup Type of the service to Automatic, that is, solidDB runs automatically as a service when Windows is started. However, the service has to be started manually in the Windows Services dialog or command prompt on the first occasion.
When the server is running as a service, the server cannot interact with the display and cannot create a new database. The service version writes warning and error messages also to the Windows event log.
solid -s"install,SOLID,
solid -s"install,SOLID, D:\SOLID\SOLID.EXE -cD:\SOLID,autostart"
-s remove,name
Removes a Windows service instance of the solidDB server
solid -s"remove,SOLID"
-s start
Specifies that solidDB starts in a services mode when, for example, solidDB is created as a service using the Windows sc.exe utility.
In the services mode, solidDB cannot interact with the display and cannot create a new database.
The - s start option is included automatically when using the -s install option.
sc create SOLID binPath= "c:\soliddb\bin\solid.exe -cC:\soliddb -sstart"
-U username
Specifies the user name for the database that is being created.
See also, the following options:
-x execute
-x executeandnoexit
-x exit
-P password
Specifies the password for the database that is being created.
See also, the following options:
-x execute
-x executeandnoexit
-x exit
Creates a new database with an externally authenticated database administrator
Encrypts the database.
An encryption password is mandatory when -E is specified. The encryption password is needed to protect the symmetric encryption key which is stored in an unencrypted header page of the database file.
Specify the encryption password by using one of the following options:
-x keypwdfile:file_name
-S encryption_password
solid -C mycatalog -U admin -P admin123 -E -x keypwdfile:pwd.txt
solid -C mycatalog -U admin -P admin123 -E -S admin456
-S encryption_password
Specifies the database file encryption password
-C catalog
Specifies the database catalog name
-x autoconvert
Converts (migrates) the database format from a previous release version to the current release version and starts the server
-x backupserver
Used only in HotStandby setups.
Starts the server in a netcopy listening mode. A server in the netcopy listening mode accepts only netcopy operations from the primary server.
-x convert
Converts (migrates) database format to the current format used by solidDB and starts the server process
-x decrypt -S password
Decrypts the database
solid -x decrypt -S dba
solid -x decrypt -x keypwdfile:pwd.txt
-x disableallmessageboxes
Hides all message windows
-x diskless
Starts solidDB in diskless mode where database and transaction log files reside in memory only. solmsg and solerror.out files are still written to disk. To start solidDB as a diskless Shared Memory Access (SMA) or Linked Library Access (LLA) application, see Using the diskless capability with SMA and LLA servers.
-x truediskless
Starts solidDB in diskless mode. All solidDB output files including operating logs, transaction log and database reside only in memory. To start solidDB as a diskless Shared Memory Access (SMA) or Linked Library Access (LLA) application, see Using the diskless capability with SMA and LLA servers.
-x execute: file_name
Prompts for the user name and password of the database administrator, creates a new database, executes SQL statements from a file, and exits.
You can also use the options -U and -P to provide the DBA user name and password.
The input file must be encoded with a 7-bit or 8-bit character set, such as ASCII or Latin-1.
solid.exe -x execute:init.sql
solid.exe -x execute:init.sql -Udba -Pdba
-x executeandnoexit: file_name
Prompts for the user name and password of the database administrator, creates a new database, executes SQL statements from a file, but does not exit.
You can also use the options -U and -P to provide the DBA user name and password.
The input file must be encoded with a 7-bit or 8-bit character set, such as ASCII or Latin-1.
solid.exe -x executeandnoexit:init.sql
solid.exe -x executeandnoexit:init.sql -Udba -Pdba
-x exit
Prompts for the user name and password of the database administrator, creates a new database, and exits.
You can also use the options -U and -P to provide the DBA user name and password.
solid.exe -x exit
solid.exe -x exit -Udba -Pdba
-x forcerecovery
Performs a forced roll-forward recovery.
-x gridnode
Starts the server as a node in a solidDB grid, see solidDB Grid.
-x hide
Hides the server icon.
-x ignoreerrors
Ignores index errors.
-x ignorecrashed
Ignores log files and reverts to checkpoint.
-x inifile:file_name
Specifies the configuration file name, instead of using the default solid.ini file in the working directory.
-x infodbfreefactor
Informs about unused pages
The server exits after performing the task.
See also, -x reorganize.
-x keypwdfile: file_name
Reads the database encryption password from a file, instead of command line argument. This way the password cannot be seen by running the UNIX command ps.
-x listen:network_name
Sets a listening address
-x mallopt: option, value
(Linux only)
Configures how malloc() behaves within operating system memory management.
For options and values that can be used, see malloc.h. Invalid parameter combinations are ignored by the operating system.
Options other than -8 (M_ARENA_MAX) have not been widely tested.
-x mallopt:-8,1
-x migratehsbg2
This command-line switch has two effects:
Instructs the server to accept and convert the existing database (the same effect as the -x autoconvert parameter).
Enables the new secondary server to communicate with the old primary server by way of the old replication protocol.
This parameter is needed only when upgrading a server that uses HotStandby.
-x nologrecovery
Ignores log files during recovery
-x pathprefix:directory
Uses files in the specified directory
-x pwdfile: file_name
Reads the password from a file instead of command line argument. This way the password cannot be seen by running the UNIX command ps.
-x recreatejnoconfirm
Creates a new empty database in place of the existing one
-x reorganize
Compacts the database by removing unused pages.
The server exits after performing the task.
-x testintegrity
Performs a full database integrity test and exits
-x testblocks
Checks the disk block integrity and produces a report in a ssdebug.out file.
The server exits after performing the task.
-x testindex[:size]
Tests database index and exits.
The optional [:size] parameter outputs index size.
-x version
Displays the server version and exits
Displays command usage
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Command line options