solidDB Help : Programming : Deploying SMA and LLA applications : Using the diskless capability with SMA and LLA servers
Using the diskless capability with SMA and LLA servers
Shared Memory Access (SMA) and Linked Library Access (LLA) servers can be created as diskless servers if required, see Diskless servers.
Before you start a diskless server, make sure that the database is correctly configured to use the available memory, see Configuring diskless servers.
You can start a diskless SMA server by using the -x diskless or -x truediskless command line options (see solidDB (solid) command line syntax), or by using an SSC API command.
You can start a diskless LLA server only by using an SSC API command.
Note When you use one of the following function calls to start a diskless server, you must also supply the contents of the solid.ini and solid.lic (or solideval.lic) files by passing parameters to the function call, as the server cannot read these files from disk.
Use SSCStartSMADisklessServer to start a diskless SMA server, see SSCStartSMADisklessServer.
Use SSCStartDisklessServer to start a diskless LLA server, see SSCStartDisklessServer.
SSC API for Java
Use startDisklessServer to start a diskless LLA server, see SolidServerControl class interface.
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Deploying SMA and LLA applications