solidDB Help : Samples : Linked Library Access C/ODBC sample
Linked Library Access C/ODBC sample
This sample C application demonstrates how to use the solidDB Linked Library Access (LLA) server with the solidDB ODBC 3.5 API. For more information about LLA, see Linked Library Access (LLA).
The sample files are located in the soliddb-installdir\samples\aclib directory.
Note To run this sample, your solidDB license file must have the solidDB LLA component enabled; otherwise, you get an error, for example, the following message:

Assertion failed: rc == SSC_SUCCESS, file aclibstandalone.c, line 267 abnormal program termination.
For general information about running the samples, see Samples.
Note LLA was previously known as Accelerator.
The sample application (aclibstandalone.c) is a solidDB LLA application that shows how to use an LLA server with the solidDB ODBC 3.5 API. The sample is written in C and uses ODBC API calls to complete the following actions:
1 Start the LLA server by using the function SSCStartServer() with the listen name as specified in the solid.ini file. The application uses the default catalog name, user name, and password of dba.
2 Connect to the server by using ODBC API SQLConnect with user name dba.
3 Create a table called TestTable and add records to the table.
4 Select records from TestTable.
5 Disconnect from the server.
6 Stop the LLA server by calling SSCStopServer().
Running the sample
Run the runme script (runme.bat in Windows), which both compiles and runs the application.
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