solidDB Help : Samples : Linked Library Access with diskless server sample
Linked Library Access with diskless server sample
This sample C application demonstrates how to use the solidDB Linked Library Access (LLA) with a diskless solidDB server. For more information about using diskless servers, see Using the diskless capability with SMA and LLA servers.
The files for the sample are located in the soliddb-installdir\samples\aclib_diskless directory.
Note To run this sample, your solidDB license file must have the solidDB LLA component enabled.
For general information about running the samples, see Samples.
Note LLA was previously known as Accelerator.
The sample includes two C applications:
licprep.c: an application that converts the solidDB license file (solideval.lic) to a text string that is used when the diskless server is started.
aclib_diskless.c: an application that uses ODBC API calls to complete the following actions:
Start a diskless server (by using SSCStartDisklessServer).
Connect to the server.
Submit a set of queries that create a table, insert two rows, and retrieve one of the rows.
Stop the server (by using SSCStopServer).
Running the sample
Run the runme script (runme.bat in Windows), which both compiles and runs the application.
If you check the sample directory during and after the time that the application runs, you will see that there is no solidDB database file in the disk directory. The server truly is running as a diskless server.
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