Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Simulating resource utilization > Roles used as resources in simulation
Roles used as resources in simulation
If you are simulating resource utilization for a Process Model, you must specify the Roles that do the work. Roles are associated with Resource availability and Resource allocation definitions. These definitions will determine when a Role becomes available on a particular process.
Additional properties have been added to record simulation specific data in the Sim Definition tab.
Simulation properties
Describes what the role will appear as.
Role Costing
Select a value to determine how much a Role will cost during Busy/Idle time intervals.
Select Hour, Minute, Second, Day or Week to determine how much it will cost for a Role to process an Object.
Allocating a role
1 Double‑click a Process Symbol to open the Resources Allocation dialog box, and then click the Sim Process tab.
2 Locate the Resource Allocation property box and click Choices. This displays a list of Resource Allocation definitions that you can drag into the property field.
See also
Simulating resource utilization