Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 2 > Creating enterprise models using DoDAF 2 Viewpoints > Building DoDAF 2 models for the Operational Viewpoint > OV-02 Operational Resource Flow Description and Alternative diagrams (DoDAF 2) > OV-02 Operational Resource Flow alternative diagrams
OV-02 Operational Resource Flow alternative diagrams
Using the OV-02 alternative diagram, you can also show the location of Operational facilities or locations, and can optionally be annotated to show flows of information, funding, people, or materiel between Operational Activities.
You can draw the following symbols on an OV-02 Operational Resource Flow Alternative diagram:
Performer: Performer is the person or organization that performs an Activity. You specify the Activity or Activities that a Performer performs through the ActivityPerformedbyPerformer relationship. There are several kinds of performers, such as Person, Organization, System, Interface, Service, and Service Interface. All of these kinds of Performer inherit all of their properties from Performer.
Activity: Work that transforms inputs (Resources) into outputs (Resources) or changes their state. It is not specific to a single organization, weapon system, or individual. You specify the Activity or Activities that a Performer performs through the ActivityPerformedbyPerformer relationship.
Information: A type of Resource. It inherits Resource's properties and behavior. You can specify that an Activity effects change on Information by drawing an ActivityChangesResource line from an Activity to an Information symbol on an OV-02 diagram.
Capability: You can relate Capabilities to the Activities that perform them by drawing an ActivityAbletoPerformCapability line from an Activity to a Capability.
Resource, and any of its subtypes such as ArchitecturalDescription, Data, DomainInformation, Information, Material, Performer (and any of its subtypes Person, Organization, Service, ServiceDescription, Service Interface, System, or Interface (Port)).
Materiel: Materiel is a type of Resource. Materiel represents equipment, apparatus, or supplies that are of interest, without distinction as to its application for administrative or combat purposes. You can draw Materiel on the OV-02 diagram, and specify what Activity effects change on Materiel by drawing an ActivityChangesResource line from an Activity to a Materiel symbol.
ActivityPerformedByPerformer relationship: You specify the Activity or Activities that a Performer performs through the ActivityPerformedbyPerformer relationship.
ActivityChangesResource relationship: You can specify that an Activity effects change on a Resource by drawing an ActivityChangesResource line from an Activity to any kind of Resource (and any kind of Performer since Performer is a subclass of Resource) on an OV-02 diagram.
ActivityAbletoPerformCapability relationship: You can specify that an Activity is able to perform a Capability by drawing an ActivityAbletoPerformCapability line from an Activity to a Capability.
describedBy relationship: Any kind of Thing can be described by Information. In the DM2 metamodel, this means that Activity, Resource, or Capability can be described by Information. You can draw a describedBy line from Activity, Resource (and all of its subtypes), or Capability, to the Information symbol (or supertypes such as Resource).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
OV-02 Operational Resource Flow Description diagrams
OV-02 Operational Resource Flow Description and Alternative diagrams (DoDAF 2)
Artifact types of the DoDAF 2 metamodel
Relationships of the DoDAF 2 metamodel