Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 2 > DoDAF 2 metamodel overview > Relationships of the DoDAF 2 metamodel
Relationships of the DoDAF 2 metamodel
The DoDAF 2 metamodel defines the following relationships.
You can specify that an Activity is able to perform a Capability by drawing an ActivityAbletoPerformCapability line from an Activity to a Capability, available on the OV-02 Operational Resource Flow alternative diagrams.
You can specify that an Activity effects change on a Resource by drawing an ActivityChangesResource line from an Activity to any kind of Resource (and any kind of Performer since Performer is a subclass of Resource), available on the OV-02 Operational Resource Flow alternative diagrams.
Behavior: Specify whether the Activity creates, changes, or consumes the Resource.
You specify the Activity or Activities that a Performer performs through the ActivityPerformedbyPerformer relationship, available on the following diagrams:
OV-02 Operational Resource Flow alternative diagrams
OV-5b Activity Model: See OV-05b Operational Activity Model diagrams (DoDAF 2)
Activity: Lists all of the Activities related to Performers through this instance of the relationship, created on the OV-2 Alternative diagram.
Drawn between Activities on an OV-5b Activity Model.
describedBy relationship
Any kind of Thing can be described by Information. In the DM2 metamodel, this means that Activity, Resource, or Capability can be described by Information. On the OV-02 Operational Resource Flow alternative diagrams, you can draw a describedBy line from Activity, Resource (and all of its subtypes), or Capability, to the Information symbol (or supertypes such as Resource). The describedBy relationship enables you to specify how the following model types describe one another:
Any type of Resource describedBy another Resource (for example, you might specify that a Resource is described by an Information type. When you draw the describedBy relationship between a Resource and an Information symbol, then the Resource definition's ListOf Information property is populated accordingly.
Any type of Performer describedBy any type of Resource (for example, you might specify that a Performer is described by a Resource. When you draw a describedBy relationship from Performer to Resource, the Performer's ListOf Resource property is populated accordingly.
The DesiredEffect relationship is specified in the Project part of the DM2.
The personPartOfPerformer relationship line is drawn on the OV-04 Organizational Relationships Chart diagrams (DoDAF 2) to visually relate Persons to Performers. When drawn between the two, the Person definition type has its Performers property filled accordingly, and the Performer definition has its Members property filled in accordingly.
Drawn on the SV-4 Systems Functionality Description diagrams (DoDAF 2) diagram to:
Connect a System to its Interface (Port). It is drawn from the Interface (Port) to the System.
Drawn on an OV-01 High Level Operational Concept diagrams, from Location to resources (or resource’s subtypes such as Performer or ArchitecturalDescription). When drawn, it populates the Resources property of the Location definition appropriately. You then can easily see what Resources are at a Location.
Resource flow
Resource Flow is drawn between Performers on the OV-02 Operational Resource Flow Description and Alternative diagrams (DoDAF 2), and drawn between Systems on the OV-02 Operational Resource Flow Description and Alternative diagrams (DoDAF 2). Systems inherit from Performers in the DM2, which is why this line can be drawn between the two types.
You can specify Information and Resources that flow between Performers in the Resource Flow line definition.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Drawn between an Activity and a Rule to specify that the Rule constrains the Activity. RuleConstrainsActivity can be drawn on the following diagrams:
OV-06a Operational Rules diagrams (DoDAF 2)
Capability Dependency (DM2rx)
The Capability Dependency (DM2rx) is an explicit relationship that can be drawn to add dependency type information. The relationship is drawn between Capabilities in CV-04 Capability Dependences (DM2) diagrams.
See also
DoDAF 2 metamodel overview