Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 2 > DoDAF 2 metamodel overview > Artifact types of the DoDAF 2 metamodel > Activity
An Activity is work, which is not specific to a single organization, weapon system, or individual, that transforms inputs (Resources) into outputs (Resources) or changes their state.
The DoDAF 2 metamodel (DM2) implemented is as shown below:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Activity can be modeled on the following diagram types in DoDAF 2:
OV-02 Operational Resource Alternative Diagram: You can model Activities, the Performer that performs them (through the ActivityPerformedbyPerformer relationship), what Resources the Activity changes (through the ActivityChangesResource line), and what Capabilities the Activity can perform (through the ActivityAbletoPerformCapability line). See OV-02 Operational Resource Flow alternative diagrams.
Condition (Environmental)
The Condition (Environmental) definition is specified in the Performer and Project parts of the DM2.
See also
Artifact types of the DoDAF 2 metamodel