Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 2 > DoDAF 2.0 overview
DoDAF 2.0 overview
The US Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) Version 2.0 is a major update to the previous DoDAF (Version 1.5) specification. It presents an entirely new metamodel, called the DoDAF metamodel 2 (DM2), and with it a new data-centric approach to building architectures. DoDAF 2 support in System Architect directly supports all of the concepts of DoDAF 2.0, including:
Direct support for the DM2 metamodel: see Artifact types of the DoDAF 2 metamodel.
Data Centricity in storage and visualization of architecture information: see Data-centric approach in DoDAF 2.
Inheritance in the DM2 metamodel: see Inheritance in DM2 metamodel.
Creating instances of definition types (DoDAF 2.0).
Fit-for-Purpose Views: see Fit-for-purpose views in DoDAF 2.
BPA\BPMN Business Process diagram repurposed for OV-06c/SV-11c/SvcV-11c BPMN Event Trace Description with BPMN definitions referencing DoDAF2 elements. See appropriate help section for this diagram.
IDEF1X, Entity Relationship renamed to DIV-02 with the source type bracketed. See appropriate help sections on these diagrams.
Physical Data Model diagram renamed to DIV-02 and DIV-03 equivalents. See appropriate help section for this diagram.
DoDAF 2.0 support is completely new and separate from older support for the DoDAF 1.5 specification; DoDAF 1.5 remains supported in the tool: you can either turn on DoDAF 1.5, DoDAF 1.5 ABM, or DoDAF 2.0 in System Architect 11.4 or later encyclopedias.
For more information about DoDAF 2 and its implementation, see the DoD website:
See also
What’s new for DoDAF 2.0 modeling