Architecting and designing > Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) > FEAF 2 > Collaborative Planning Method (CPM) > CPM Line of Sight
CPM Line of Sight
The Collaborative Planning Method (CPM) Line of Sight definition forms the heart of line-of-sight reporting for the Collaborative Planning Method. You create a CPM Line of Sight definition for an investment need, and identify the Performance Reference Model (PRM) primary goal (PRM Goal Code) that the investment will meet. The CPM Line of Sight definition and the values of its properties are generated through the FEAF 2 CPM Line of Sight Report.
In this definition you specify the:
Need (see CPM Need definition, a list of the CPM Need definition, and for each one, its possible Providers, Drivers, Assumptions, and Constraints.
Activities that are ongoing to realize the Need (such as projects and investments).
Owners (people in the organization that are Sponsors and Stakeholders).
Motivation for the need (wherein you can align it with aspects of the Business Motivation Model (BMM)).
ARM, BRM, DRM, IRM, or SRM alignment.
Note When you fill in the reference model properties, the Choices list of each lower level will populate according to the higher level choice that you make (see picture) – in this example, when you click Choices at the ARM Domain level and drag-and-drop in a choice (in this case, System), when you click Choices at the next level (ARM Area) you will see a list of FEAF2 ARM Areas corresponding to System.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
PRM Goal Code (see Using the PRM) and higher-level PRM Measurement Area and Category.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
List of TOGAF Assets
Next step
Generating a CPM Line of Sight Report (see FEAF 2 CPM Line of Sight Report).
See also
Collaborative Planning Method (CPM)