Architecting and designing
Access Control command
The Access Control utility provides you with a way to control user access to diagrams and definitions in System Architect. If you are sharing an encyclopedia with other users on a network, it is frequently useful to mark your work so other people can look at it, but not change it. Not all actions are available to all users. The Access Control actions you can impose on diagrams or definitions are as shown below:
Check In
Check out
For more information, see Access Control for workspaces.
The options available to you depend on your user rights – see System Architect security modes. Whichever action you choose, you can also choose to have that action performed on subordinate diagrams and definitions.
When using the SA/DOORS Interface the Access Control command allows you to select definitions and diagrams and use the Send to Doors option. You can also select definitions and diagrams that should not be sent to IBM Rational DOORS. Definitions and diagrams are added to a temporary list and are not sent until you choose the Send to IBM Rational DOORS option from the tools menu.
After the action is performed, System Architect provides you an "Access Control Results" report, which lists the objects you chose, and the action that was performed on them. The System Architect Explorer then displays an icon indicating that an object is in a certain state. For example, if the definition "Address" is checked out, a red check mark appears to the left of that definition.