Architecting and designing > TOGAF > Building deliverables for the TOGAF Architecture Development Method > Definitions > Application Component
Application Component
In TOGAF, an encapsulation of application functionality – also known as an Application (or software program).
Specify Logical or Physical Application.
You can specify that an Application is a Physical Application or Logical Application using a toggle choice “Is Physical” in the first tab of the Application Component definition.
The property set of the Application Component changes depending on whether it is Logical or Physical.
Logical Application
Examples of Logical Applications:
An Enterprise Architecture application.
A Portfolio Management solution.
A Graphics tool.
A Word Processing application.
Creating a layer of Logical Applications in your architecture is equivalent to creating modular approach: you can ‘plug and play’ Physical Applications that perform the functions of a Logical Application.
You can also see across Logical Applications to see what different Physical Applications are being used in the organization to perform the same functions.
Physical Application
Examples of Physical Applications:
UNICOM Systems Inc.’s System Architect.
UNICOM Systems Inc.’s Focal Point.
Microsoft Paint.