Customizing the metamodel > Diagrams: Creating and modifying > Creating roadmap-style diagrams > Style 1 > Rules check
Rules check
Click Reports > Rules check.
A diagram property determines the base project for the rules check.
The model project (default) (if it exists) (note: not translated).
The topmost project on the diagram.
This checks whether any project milestones that are also defined in the base project appear in the same date order that is specified in the base project. If the base project or the compared project contains milestones with duplicate dates, those duplicates do not cause the compared project to be reported.
This reports any dependency which flows to the left, because this is showing that there is information flow from a milestone occurring at a later date to a milestone occurring at an earlier date, which will be impossible to achieve.
A diagram property controls whether the rules check is run automatically: on opening the diagram and on drawing project symbols. The rules check does not run automatically for new or existing diagrams unless the user changes the option.
Output is presented in a display window unless the report is run automatically and no contravening projects are found.
See also
Property set
Style 1