Managing the repository > SA Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM) > Reference
Create query
You can enter queries into the query window several ways. You can type a query manually, use query shortcuts keys, use the Query Builder, or open an SQL file containing your query. Whichever way you enter text into the query window, the available options are the same.
1 Click Query > New.
2 Enter your query in the New Query window.
To enter text, you can type, paste or use the My Queries tab.
Optionally, from the Query menu, you can parse the query (see Parse), or run an estimated execution plan (see Estimated execution plan).
3 Click Query > Execute.
The Data tab returns records found by your query and the Messages tab displays the number of rows affected.
4 To save query results, click Query > Save Results.
You can save query results as a MS Excel (*.XLS), a Comma Delimited Value (*.CSV) file or a text (*.TXT) file.
See also
SA Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM)