Managing the repository > SA Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM) > SAEM menus > Server menu > Logins
Logins are server-wide accounts that can be mapped to individual users, or user groups. By default every SQL Server database has two built-in, or fixed logins. These are the BUILTIN\Administrators and sa logins, both of which have full administrative privileges. You can use either of these logins to create additional Windows users or group logins.
A Login for a System Architect user needs a pre-defined set of server roles and database access rights. To grant System Architect users the required privileges, see Create SAUser role. You can add the SAUser role, which has the required privileges, to new or existing Logins.
The Logins dialog enables you to control database access on the server. You can delete logins, save the logins list to a file, or edit current logins. When you create a new login, or view the properties of one, the General, Server Roles and Database Access tabs are displayed, where you can add or remove users, assign server roles, and choose which encyclopedia database a given user can access, among other options.
To create a login
1 Login to the server that the database is on.
See Login to SQL Server.
2 Click Server > Logins.
3 Select New Login.
The New Login dialog box appears.
4 On the General tab, enter the domain name and username (DomainName\UserName) in the Name field.
You can also click the ... (Browse) button. This displays the Domains list and Available users dialog box where you can choose a domain and user, or a network group.
5 Choose your login options and default (database and language) options.
The default database is set to “Master”; you should select a different database.
6 Click the Database Access tab.
7 Click the checkbox for the databases in the Specify which database can be accessed by this login pane. Click OK.
To add a SAUser role
1 Select Server, Logins, highlight the Login name, and then click Edit properties.
2 On the Login Properties dialog box, click the Database Access tab, and then re‑select the database that you want to add the SAUser role to.
3 Click SAUser in the Database roles for 'your database name' pane (bottom).
4 Click OK.
See also
Server menu