Managing the repository > SA Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM) > SAEM menus > Database menu > Backup database
Backup database
A backup is a copy of your database that you can use to restore or to move the database from one server to another. Bear in mind that SQL Server writes your edits to the database through the transaction log file. If prior to making a backup a transaction log file was rolled back, meaning it could not be written to the database, then the backup you create will use the last transaction log file written successfully.
To backup the database
1 Login to the server that the database is on.
See Login to SQL Server.
2 Select any database on the local server (by choosing Database, Select Database or select one from the drop-down menu in the database toolbar). In order to perform any commands in SAEM, you must have a database selected, even though in this current task you will not be doing anything to that database.
3 Select Database, Backup.
4 Enter a backup Name.
5 In the Destination field, enter the file path in which to create the backup. You can use the ... browse button or type in the path.
6 Select a backup type. The first backup you create must be complete. Subsequent backups can be differential, which only backs up data that has changed since the last backup.
7 Click OK.
See also
Database menu