Managing the repository > SA Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM) > SAEM menus > Database menu > Shrink database
Shrink database
This function reduces the size of the encyclopedia database when records are deleted. Suppose that you delete an entire diagram and its associated definitions. Although those records will no longer be visible in the database, the disk space that was used by those records is still allocated to those records. The result is that the database size is not reduced, even though it contains fewer records. The shrink function repossesses the disk space that was used by the deleted records. By doing so, it reduces the database file size, and can reallocate that disk space to new records, as they are created.
To shrink a database
1 Login to the server that the database is on.
See Login to SQL Server.
2 Select any database on the local server (by choosing Database, Select Database or select one from the list in the database toolbar.
3 Select Database,SHRINK.
4 Enter Shrink action options.
5 Click OK.
A “Database has been shrunk successfully” message appears.
See also
Database menu