Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Using the Explorer tree to browse the repository > Context menu
Context menu
From the open Explorer Floating Menu you can add, view and modify, and delete definitions; show definition details or diagram pictures or hide those features; designate the encyclopedia diagrams and definitions as read only; and close the Explorer.
Use the Open command to display a diagram in the System Architect workspace or to open the Definition dialog for a selected definition.
Use the New command to create a new diagram or definition.
The list of new items that comes up is dependent on the configuration settings for the encyclopedia, what methodology tab you are pointing to, and where your cursor is pointing on the Explorer when you right‑click.
Where you right‑click
To create a new diagram, make sure the cursor is pointing at the Diagrams selection (or a particular diagram type) in the Explorer when you right‑click. To create a new definition, make sure the cursor is pointing at the Definitions selection (or a particular definition type) in the Explorer when you right‑click.
What tab you have selected
If you are in the All Methods tab, you get a list of all available diagrams or definitions, dependent on the methodology and property sets you have chosen for the project (Tools, Customize Method Support, Encyclopedia Configuration).
If you are in a specific methodology tab, the list of diagrams or definitions is limited to those available in the chosen methodology.
Access control
The Access Control utility lets you control user access to diagrams and definitions in System Architect. If you are sharing an encyclopedia with other users on a network, it is useful to mark your work so other people can look at it, but not change it. Not all actions are available to all users. The access control actions you can impose on diagrams or definitions are as follows:
Check In
Check out
The options available to you depend on your user rights. Whichever action you choose, you can impose that action on subordinate diagrams or definitions.
When using the SA/DOORS Interface the Access Control command will allow you to select definitions and use the Selecting model artifacts to Send to DOORS option. You can also select definitions that should not be sent to DOORS. Definitions are added to a temporary list and are not sent until you choose the Send to DOORS option from the TOOLS menu.
After the action is performed, System Architect provides you an "Access Control Results" report, which lists the objects you chose, and the action that was performed on them. The System Architect Explorer will then display an icon indicating that an object is in a certain state. For example, if the definition "Address" is checked out, a red check mark will appear to the left of that definition.
See also Check out, Check in, Freeze.
Use the Delete command to remove a diagram or definition from the encyclopedia. Before a diagram or definition is actually removed, you are prompted to verify that you want to delete it.
Read Only
Use the Read Only command to avoid making modifications to a diagram or definition you only want to view.
When a diagram or definition is opened in read only mode, you can not type in the fields or click any buttons.
Configure Tabs
See Configure Tabs.
See also
Using the Explorer tree to browse the repository