Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Analytics > Heat Map Manager > The Heat Map Manager window
The Heat Map Manager window
The Heat Map Manager enables you select and execute heatmap analytics on a currently open diagram. You activate the Heat Map Manager from the View menu, which is always available. However, if you open the Heat Map Manager without opening a diagram first, a message is displayed notifying you to open a diagram to view and apply associated analytic collections. Opening the Heat Map Manager automatically enables Show Analytic Depiction for the current diagram. This makes it easier to apply icon type analytics and see the icons displayed on the diagram, without selecting the option manually each time.
Executes check box type analytics that you have ticked/unticked. You click Apply after you change the state of the analytics that you want to execute on the currently open diagram. Ticking will cause the programmed states to be applied and unticking will cause those states to return to the defaults as set in the stylesheet.
Restores the diagram to the previously saved state.
Activity Log
Shows all the activities that you perform in a Heat Map Manager session, for the particular diagram type.
You can use the window controls to dock/undock, show/hide, or close the Heat Map Manager window.
See also
Heat Map Manager