Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > Analytics > Heat Map Manager
Heat Map Manager
The Heat Map Manager enables you select and execute heatmap analytics on a currently open diagram.
“Heat Map” means mapping analytic information against a diagram to show places of concern using color or textured icons. Among other uses, you can show “hot” areas. Traditionally, red areas of a diagram are considered “hot”, or areas of concern.
The Heat Map features are fully compatible with earlier versions. You can still use the drag-and-drop technique to execute analytics, use your legacy analytics functions as before, and upgrade legacy Analytics to use the newer features. Compatibility with earlier version also means that in the new Heat Map Manager, you can use any analytic definitions you had before System Architect 11.3 as is, without changing to them. To do this, create a new analytic collection, and add the older analytic definitions to an analytic collection definition.
Note Analytics which do not have any “analytic depictions” (icon or color) are displayed as buttons on the Heat Map Manager. When you apply such analytic definitions on a diagram, Heat Map Manager does not create legends on the diagram for you. In this scenario, displaying legends on the diagram must be handled by code in your macro.
See also
The Heat Map Manager window
Working with the Heat Map Manager